Covid 19 Update

Update May 13, 2024


MCF is making changes in our borrowing process in order to keep both our staff and borrowing missionaries safe during the current pandemic environment.


If the borrower(s) or anyone in their immediate family has/have been experiencing a fever, coughing, and/or shortness of breath or other COVID-related symptoms anytime in the past ten days that must be discussed with us BEFORE the missionary arrives at the MCF office.

With a negative response to the above condition the wearing of a mask in the MCF office is optional.

    1. The borrower will need to bring with him/her a paper copy of his/her current U.S. driver’s license and that of their spouse when they come to the MCF office.
    2. We ask that ONLY ONE member of the borrowing family come into the MCF office to complete the required paperwork and check out the MCF vehicle. There is family seating space in the building lobby.

We regret that these measures must be maintained but there will be no exceptions to this policy until further notice has been issued by MCF.

May God protect us and bless us all,

Doug Miller